
Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide 239
Table 4.27 Raidvchkset Command Parameters
Parameter Value
Command Name raidvchkset
Format raidvchkset { -h -q -z -g <group> -d <pair Vol> -d[g] <raw_device> [MU#]
-d[g] <seq#> <LDEV#> [MU#] -nomsg
-vt [type] -vs < bsize> [slba] [elba] -vg [type] [rtime] }
Options -h: Displays Help/Usage and version information.
-q: Terminates the interactive mode and exits the command.
-z or -zx (OpenVMS cannot use the -zx option): Makes the raidvchkset command enter the interactive
mode. The -zx option guards performing of the HORCM in the interactive mode. When this option detects
a HORCM shut down, interactive mode terminates.
-I[H][M][instance#] or -I[TC][SI][instance#] Specifies the command as [HORC]/[HOMRCF], and used
for specifying instance# of HORCM.
-g <group>: Specifies a group name written in the configuration definition file.
-d <pair Vol>: Specifies paired logical volume name defined in the configuration definition file. When this
option is specified, the command is executed for the specified paired logical volume.
-d[g] <raw_device> [MU#]: Searches a group on the configuration definition file (local instance) for the
specified raw_device, and if the specified raw_device is contained in the group, the target volume is
executed as the paired logical volume (-d) or group (-dg). This option is effective without specification of
“-g <group>“ option. If the specified the raw_device is contained in two or more groups, the command is
executed on the first group.
-d[g] <seq#> <LDEV#> [MU#]: Searches a group on the configuration definition file (local instance) for
the specified LDEV, and if the specified LDEV is in the group, the target volume is executed as the paired
logical volume (-d) or group (-dg). This option is effective without specification of “-g <group>“ option. If
the specified LDEV is contained in two or more groups, the command is executed on the first group. The
<seq #> <LDEV #> values can be specified in hexadecimal (by addition of “0x “) or decimal notation.
-nomsg: Suppresses messages to be displayed when this command is executed. It is used to execute
this command from a user program. This option must be specified at the beginning of a command
argument. The command execution log is not affected by this option.
-vt [type]: Specifies the following data type that assumes the target volumes as Oracle database. If [type]
is not specified, then this option will disable all of the checking.
redo8: The target volumes sets the parameter for validation checking as Oracle redo log files (including
archive logs) prior Oracle9I. This option sets <bsize> to 1(512bytes) or 2(1024bytes).
data8: The target volumes sets the parameter for validation checking as Oracle data files (including
control files) prior Oracle9I.
redo9: The target volumes sets the parameter for validation checking as Oracle redo log files (including
archive logs) for Oracle9IR2 or later. This option sets <bsize> to 1 (512 bytes) or 2 (1024 bytes).
data9: The target volumes sets the parameter for validation checking as Oracle data files (including
control files) for Oracle9IR2 later.
In case of Oracle for Tru64 or Windows, the user must set the parameter in the init.ora file to
_HARD_PROTECTION = TRUE “. If not so, a parameter for validation must be changed by using the
following “-vmf we” option: raidvchkset -vt data9 -vmf we
rd10g : The target volumes sets the parameter for validation checking as Oracle ALL files ( including
redo and data and RMAN backup piece) for Oracle10gR2 or later. This option sets <bsize> to 1(512bytes)
or 2(1024bytes). This option sets to the low 5 bits DBA for checking regarding CHK-F2.
-vs <bsize> [slba] [elba]: Specifies the data block size of Oracle I/O and a region on a target volume for
validation checking.
<bsize> is used for specifying the data block size of Oracle I/O, in units of 512 bytes. <bsize> is able to
specify between 1 (512 bytes) and 64 (32 Kbytes) (effective size for Oracle is also 1-64).
[slba] [elba]
is used for specifying a region defined between Start_LBA (0 based) and End_LBA on a
target volume for checking, in units of 512 bytes.
[slba] [elba] can be specified in hexadecimal (by addition of “0x “) or decimal notation.
If this option is not specified, then a region for a target volume is set as all blocks (slba=0,elba=0).