
Optimizing Performance,
Availability, and Cost with
the HiReturn
Analysis Tool Kit
Investment Analysis Tool Kit
Most enterprises today require that financial investment analysis be prepared prior to
IT capital expenditures. Identifying hardware and software as "best-of-breed" is no longer
sufficient justification for a major investment. Networked storage infrastructures and
consolidated storage systems have generally appeared to be cost-effective IT strategies, but
in order to commit to significant capital expenditures, today’s decision-makers seek detailed,
real-world information on operating expenses. With this in mind, Hitachi Data Systems
provides the HiReturn
investment analysis tool kit so that customers can make informed
capital expenditure IT decisions.
HiReturn is a collection of return on investment (ROI) tools, methodologies, best
practices, industry empirical data, and one-on-one coaching that allows customers to
calculate the costs and benefits of implementing Hitachi Freedom Storage
technology and
solutions. With these advanced analytical methods, Hitachi Data Systems delivers a
pre-sales, no-cost service that provides the objective validation needed for the storage system
and solution capital expenditure decision.
Cold, hard facts create a solid empirical basis for financial purchase decisions involving
Hitachi Freedom Storage networked infrastructure consolidation solutions. That’s why the
HiReturn tool kit can play such a valuable role in the effort to simplify, protect, and,
optimize the storage environment that supports the business objectives of the enterprise.
Since 1997, Hitachi Data Systems has documented 29 ROI conditions, or "use cases,"
that demonstrate hard- and soft-dollar savings. Conservative, nominal, and aggressive
modeling parameters are discussed within these "use cases." These cases and the ROI
calculation methods behind them are based on a proven cost-determination methodology.
The HiReturn Methodology Is Implemented in Three Phases:
Phase 1 – Preparation.
A conference call or brief on-site meeting is conducted prior to the engagement to
review the approach, goals, and scope.
Phase 2 – On-site, One-day Assessment.
Delivery is provided in three modules:
Infrastructure review. Includes collection of facts on the site’s current storage
infrastructure, financial data, and IT requirements.
Assimilation. The HiReturn team reviews the information, formulates
recommendations, and develops a strategic plan.
Findings. The customer and the HiReturn team confirm and corroborate
collected data. Recommendations, financial impact, and strategic plans are
reviewed and discussed.
ROI for Hitachi
Freedom Storage
solutions and systems
The HiReturn tool kit
helps develop a solid
business case
To download our white paper covering the 29 use cases and cost-determination methods for a SAN
R e t u rn on Investment, please go to h t t p : / / w w w. h d s . c o m / p d f / 3 S A N _ R O I _ W h t _ P p r. p d f