
The Lightning 9900 V Series provides “virtual” Fibre Channel ports that are logically
managed by intelligent Fibre Channel controller cards. Each physical Fibre Channel port
may have multiple Host Storage Domains. A Host Storage Domain supports a “logical
Fibre Channel port (Fig. 7) each with its own set of LUNs. Hosts are matched to their
assigned HSD based on a unique World Wide Names (WWNs) identifier. LUN security
provided by Hitachi SANtinel
software fences access to LUNs based upon host WWNs.
Under this innovative software structure, each of multiple host systems may have its own
unique LUN 0, from which it can boot, within its own Host Storage Domain.
Hitachi Data Sy s t e m s
Figure 7 – The Lightning
9900 V Series virtual
Fibre Channel ports and
Host Storage Domains.