
scrutinizes activity all the way to the logical-device level, reporting on channel-
interface-processor usage rates, cache-usage rate by function, and logical-device
utilization. This data pinpoints specific activities that may have a negative impact
on operations, and lets the user fine-tune the system so that it can be used to
maximum advantage.
Graph-Track software also highlights valuable cache information. Cache
read/write and read-hit ratios are reported in real time. Each system connected to
Graph-Track software can be tuned separately.
11. Hitachi Virtual Logical Volume Image Manager Software for S/390
E n v i r onments Allows Very Large to Very Small Vi r t u a l - v o l u m e
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
Hitachi Virtual Logical Volume Image (VLVI) Manager is a mainframe
software utility that optimizes Lightning 9900 V Series system capacity utilization
by allowing users to configure multiple virtual LVIs in place of an LVI. Data
volumes as small as a single cylinder or as large as a full 3390-9 can be defined.
Volume size is determined in cylinder increments. Each VLVI requires one
physical address, with a maximum of 4096 addresses per Lightning 9900 V Series
system. Different types of LVIs can coexist within an array-group with no need to
convert them to a common LVI. This feature maximizes array-group capacity and
enhances configuration flexibility. Hitachi VLVI Manager software improves
performance by reducing logical-device contention and operating-system queuing.
It also boosts remote copy performance by avoiding the need to copy the entire
12. Cache Manager Host Agent
The Cache Manager Host Agent enables mainframe users to perform
FlashAccess software operations on S/390 LVIs by issuing commands from the
S/390 host system to the Lightning 9900 V Series system.
Hitachi Data Sy s t e m s
Figure 29 – The GUI
interface on
Graph-Track software
simplifies performance
Hitachi VLVI Manager
software improves