
EN Raster Graphics 6-19
Raster Y Offset Command
The Raster Y Offset command moves the cursor position vertically
the specified number of raster lines from the current raster position in
the raster area.
? * b # Y
This command is recognized only while in raster graphics mode and
only within the raster area.
This command zero-fills the offset area. For color printers, zero-fills
are filled with the color of index 0, which is not necessarily white.
For Delta Row compression (method 3), this command zeros the
seed row. For Adaptive compression (method 5), this command
applies to the entire raster data block.
Note Movement by this command is based upon the Raster Resolution
setting (
?*t#R) and also the printer's resolution setting (75, 150, or
300 dpi).
# = Number of raster lines of vertical movement
Default =N/A
Range = 0 - 32767