EN The PCL Print Model 5-49
Note The current pattern is not applied to a rectangular area unless
specified by this command.
The order in which data (patterns/rules, text, raster) is received is the
order in which it is processed during the rasterization of the page.
The fill or pattern used as the current pattern is selected using the
Select Current Pattern (
?*v#T) command.
Black fill (value field 0), also known as black rule, and the white fill
(value field of 1) “patterns” do not have a choice of different patterns,
and thus do not require a pattern specification using the Pattern ID
The upper left corner of the rectangular area is located at the cursor
position when printing a rectangular area. After printing the
rectangular area the cursor is returned to the upper left corner; the
cursor position does not change positions as a result of printing a
rectangular area.
Rectangular areas are independent of the text area and perforation
skip mode; these boundaries are ignored (rectangles are not clipped
at these boundaries). Addressable rectangular areas are limited to
the logical page. Rectangular areas that extend outside the logical
page are clipped at the logical page boundaries (refer to the PCL 5
Printer Language Technical Reference Manual for logical page and
printable area boundary specifications).
The pattern transparency mode controls how the area fill pattern is
applied to the page. Refer to the following section for a description of
how the pattern transparency mode affects the rectangular fill area.
A white fill “erases” any data placed within the rectangular area,
regardless of the transparency mode settings. However, after a white
fill erases data within an area, data subsequently placed within that
area will be visible.