6-8 Raster Graphics EN
Raster Graphics Resolution Command
Raster graphics can be printed at various resolutions. This command
designates the resolution of subsequent raster data transfers in dots
per inch.
? * t # R
This command must be sent prior to the start graphics command. The
factory default resolution is 75 dots-per-inch.
Note Lower resolution graphics occupy less user memory. For example, the
number of bits required to represent a two-inch by three-inch image at
75 dots-per-inch is 33,750. The same image at 300 dots-per-inch
requires 540,000 bits. Note that lower resolution graphics may not
give acceptable print quality.
When configured for 300 dpi resolution, the printer automatically
expands raster graphics transferred at resolutions less than
300 dots-per-inch to 300 dots-per-inch during printing. Figure 6-2
illustrates how a single bit is translated into the corresponding printed
dots in various graphics resolutions when the printer is configured for
300 dpi.
# = 75 - 75 dots-per-inch
100 - 100 dots-per-inch
200 - 200 dots-per-inch
150 - 150 dots-per-inch
300 - 300 dots-per-inch
600 - 600 dots-per-inch
Default =75
Range = 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 600