Appendix A: Glossary
occasional lost packet is not critical. The TLI (Transport Layer Interface) library provides rou-
tines with which to access IPX.
IPX/SPX. Internet Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange, one of the NetWare core
protocols. Used in conjunction with SPX for printing and other applications..
JetAdmin A Hewlett-Packard printer management program available for NetWare and
JetSend A protocol originally designed by Hewlett-Packard for simple device-to-device com-
JetStatus A feature of IntelliBar Net print servers that allows a user to view the status of the
printer. The SHOW SERVER QUEUE command that invokes JetStatus with more detailed in-
formation is available via the SHOW PORT P1 STATUS command.
Job. In printing, a document that is sent to the printer from a computer.
LAN. Local Area Network; a high-speed method of interconnecting devices in a local or cam-
pus environment.
LAN Manager. A network operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation.
LAN Server. A network operating system based on Microsoft's LAN Manager; developed by
IBM Corporation.
Landscape mode. Printing a document with the long edge of the paper at the top.
LAT. Local Area Transport. A DEC-specific, non-routable network protocol.
LAT port. A logical port through which LAT devices can send data to other LAT devices. A
LAT application port is the default type of LAT port that is used for printing applications (the
other type of LAT port is a dedicated port that always accesses a single service on the host com-
LATCP. A VMS utility program used to configure LAT ports.
LATSYM. LAT Symbiont. A VMS program that controls the printing of jobs via LAT ports.
Legal Size. The U.S. long paper size (8.5 x 14 inches).
Letter Size. The U.S. standard paper size (8.5 x 11 inches).