
Section 4: AS/400, iSeries Host Set Up
Note: Depending on OS/400 version use WRKAPF2 command (V3R1 or
V3R6) or CRTPSFCFG command (V3R2, V3R7 and later).
In V3R1 and V3R6, WRKAFP2 is used to specify RMTLOCNAME, PORT,
and ACTTMR, along with other parameters for PSF. In V3R2, V3R7 and
later, CRTPSFCFG (Create PSF Configuration Object), which replaced
WRKAFP2, is used to specify these same parameters, along with other pa-
rameters. The PSF configuration object created with the CRTPSFCFG
command is used by PSF/400 when printing IPDS files. The object is
used only if the object is in the QGPL library and has the same name as the
printer device description. This information overrides the APPC configu-
ration information specified in the printer device description.
For a more complete description of the configurations, link to the follow-
ing IBM Document, Configuring a *LAN IPDS Device Description , for
H. CRTPSFCFG creates a PSF configuration object to specify a TCP/IP attached printer.
Specifying values for the remote location and TCP/IP port with CRTPSFCFG overrides
the SNA configuration parameters specified in the printer device description. A PSF
Configuration (PSFCFG) object is defined within a LAN IPDS Device Description, thus
it is a good idea to name the CRTPSFCFG command the same name as the
CRTPSFCFG command.
I. Vary the printer ON using the VFYCFG command.
J. Verify the IPDS.
K. Send a test file print job to the printer.
IntelliBar AS Net printers support the following IBM OS/400 services:
OS/400 Operating System V3R1, V3R2, V3R6, V3R7, V4R1, V4R2, V4R3, V4R4,
V4R5, V5R1, V5R2 or later using PSF/400. PTF SF29249 WRKAFP2 is required to
print IPDS over TCP/IP through PSF/400 with V3R1 or V3R6.
Print Services Facility (PSF) Version 3.1 or later, PSF/400.
PSF/MVS 2.2 or later