
Section 4: AS/400, iSeries Host Set Up
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . : *LIBL
Character identifier . . . . . . . : CHRID *SYSVAL
Remote location . . . . . . . . . : RMTLOCNAME ''
Local location . . . . . . . . . . : LCLLOCNAME *NETATR Name
Remote network identifier . . . . : RMTNETID *NETATR Name
Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : MODE QSPWTR Name
Dependent location name . . . . . : DEPLOCNAME *NONE
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : TEXT M48 AS Net Printer
User-defined options . . . . . . . : USRDFNOPT
-----------------User-defined options------------------
* * * * * E N D O F L I S T I N G * * * * *
4.6.2 V3R7, V4R3 and V4R4 CRTPSFCFG Command.
The CRTPSFCFG command is used to configure AFP for OS/400 V3R7.
Use the following user defined settings to create the AFP description:
A. PSF configuration (PSFCFG). Enter a name or description for the IntelliBar AS Net
printer being configured (ex., M48ASN). The name must match the USRDFNOBJ name
in the printer CRTDEVPRT DEVD command.
B. Library. Select QGPL.
C. IPDS pass through (IPDSPASTHR). Select *YES to print SCS files (transforms SCS
into IPDS). Select *NO to print only IPDS files.
D. Activate release timer (ACTRLSTMR). Select *NORDYF. This activates the release timer
when there are no spooled files in the output queue with a Ready Status (RDY) after
the last spooled has printed. *NORDYF provides that all RDY files are printed before
releasing the session. *NORDYF does not terminate the writer).
E. Release timer (RLSTMR). Enter a value equal to or greater than the TCP/IP
TIMEOUT setting on the IntelliBar print server. IntelliTech recommends *SEC15.
This sets the time PSF/400 maintains a session with the IntelliBar when there are no
Ready Status (RDY) spooled files.
F. Remote Location name (RMTLOCNAME). Enter the IntelliBar AS Net print server IP
G. TCP/IP port (PORT). Enter 5001.
H. TCP/IP activation timer (ACTTMR). Enter the number of seconds for PSF/400 to wait
for the IntelliBar printer to respond to an activation request. If the printer will be used
only by one system, use the default value (170 seconds). If the printer will be used
by more than one system, select *NOMAX.