Chapter 3 77
HP Easytime/XL Tasks
Console Messages
Displaying Console Messages
Log on to HP Easytime/XL and go to Console Management, you can
read the last 1,000 messages the system sent and any pending requests.
If you do not want to see all messages and requests on the system, you
can restrict your view to a particular set of messages and requests, for
example, those for a specific user or account.
1. Press
F2 V to open the View menu.
2. Press
V for Set View.
A dialog box prompts you to type a set of messages.
3. Type a set of user names and accounts. Wildcard characters can be
used to define the set.
4. Press
F OK to display the new view.
Only those messages specified are displayed on the screen. This new
view will last until exiting HP Easytime/XL, or until the view is
changed again.
Resetting View
If a view of messages and requests has been set, you can quickly reset it
to view all messages and requests on the system with this task.
1. Press
F2 V to open the View menu.
2. Press
R for Reset View.