G0675 10" Jointer/Planer Combo Machine
Jointer Table
4. Try to fit a 0.060" feeler gauge (or combina-
tion of feeler gauges) between the cutterhead
body and the bottom of the straightedge
(Figure 59).
Note: Rotate the cutterhead to make sure the
knives do not interfere with proper measure-
The tables of your jointer MUST be parallel with
the cutterhead and each other (see Figure 57) to
reduce the risk of workpiece kickback and to help
ensure good cutting results.
Black Lines Represent
Straightedge Positions
From Overhead View
Figure 58. Straightedge positions for verifying if
the outfeed table is parallel with the cutterhead.
Tools Needed Qty
Straightedge ...................................................... 1
Hex Wrench 5mm ............................................. 1
Wrench 13mm ................................................... 1
Feeler Gauge Set .............................................. 1
Assistant ............................................................ 1
Checking Outfeed Table Parallelism
The outfeed table is preset by the factory parallel
with the cutterhead. However, it is critical to check
this setting.
To check outfeed table parallelism:
2. Remove the blade guard arm assembly.
3. Place the straightedge on the back of the
outfeed table so it hangs over the cutterhead
as shown in Figure 58.
Black Lines Represent
Straightedge Positions
From Overhead View
Figure 57. Illustration of table parallelism
Adjusting the tables parallel with each other is
a complex and precise task that may take more
than an hour to complete.
Due to the complex nature of this task, we rec-
ommend that you double check the current table
positions to make sure that they really need to be
adjusted before starting.
Note: Typically, a tolerance of ± 0.005" in parallel-
ism between the tables is considered acceptable.
When adjusting table parallelism, you must do
the following: 1) properly adjust the outfeed
table height and parallelism in relation to the
cutterhead, and 2) adjust the infeed table parallel
to the outfeed table, and 3) adjust the knives to
bring the outfeed table surface and cutting edges
of the knives to the same height.