G0675 10" Jointer/Planer Combo Machine
Figure 53. Feed roller chain, sprocket, and
cogwheel lubrication locations.
Blade Guard Arm
Clean away any built up grime and debris with a
rag and mineral spirits, then place 1-2 drops of
light machine oil on the points shown in Figure
50 once a month.
Figure 50. Blade guard arm lubrication locations.
Feed Roller Chain, Sprocket and
Inspect the feed roller chain and feed roller
sprockets monthly. Thoroughly clean debris and
grime with a rag and mineral spirits, then use a
brush or rag to apply a thin coat of multi-purpose
grease when needed, as shown in Figure 53.
Remove the front panel to access.
Lubricate the cogwheels with a thin coat of multi-
purpose grease every 40 operating hours.
Figure 52. Additional leadscrew lubrication
Clean away debris and built-up grime on the lead-
screws with a rag and mineral spirits, then apply a
thin coat of SAE 10-30W oil with a clean rag to the
four leadscrews in the locations shown in Figures
51–52 after the first five hours and then every 20
hours. Move the planer table through its full range
of motion to distribute the lubricant.
Figure 51. Leadscrew-planer table lubrication
Photo Note: Show both sides like figure below.