G0675 10" Jointer/Planer Combo Machine
Squaring stock involves four steps performed
in the order below:
1. Surface Plane on the Jointer—The con-
cave face of the workpiece is surface planed
flat with a jointer.
Jointed Edge
Planed Face
2. Surface Plane on the Thickness Planer—
The opposite face of the workpiece is surface
planed flat with a thickness planer.
3. Edge Joint on the Jointer—The concave
edge of the workpiece is jointed flat with a
4. Rip Cut on a Table Saw—The jointed edge
of the workpiece is placed against a table
saw fence and the opposite edge cut off.
Squaring Stock
Figure 30. Minimum dimensions for edge jointing
and surface planing (jointer).
⁄2" Min.
1" Min.
12" Min.
12" Min.
⁄2" Min.
1" Min.
Thickness Planer Specific Rules:
• Use the full width of the planer. Alternate
between the left, the right, and the middle
when feeding narrow lumber into the planer.
Your knives will remain sharp much longer.
Figure 31. Minimum dimensions for surface
planing (thickness planer).
⁄4" Min.
1" Min.
12" Min.
Jointer Specific Rules:
• Make sure your workpiece exceeds
the minimum dimension requirements
(Figures 30 & 31) before edge jointing or
surface planing, or it may break or kick
back during the operation!