G0572 Hanging Air Filter with Remote
Figure 5. Poor air circulation. Placed too close
to the wall, the air circulation short cycles, leav
ing much of the room unfiltered.
The G0572 Hanging Air Filter with Remote will
recirculate the entire volume of air in a room
measuring 25' X 25' X 8' approximately 12 times
in one hour. We recommend that the volume of
air in your room be recirculated at least 6-8 times
every hour.
To calculate the recirculating rate for your
shop space:
Step 1. Use the formula below to calculate how
long it takes to circulate all the volume of air in
your shop. The rate of air movement for the air
filter is 1044 cubic feet per minute.
= Minutes for circulating 1 time
Example: 25' X 25' X 8'
= 4.79 Minutes
Step 2. Calculate how many times per hour the
volume is recirculated through the hanging air
filter by dividing 60 minutes by the circulating
time from Step 1. The result is listed as times per
Example: 60
= 12.52 Times per Hour
Filter Capacity
Below is a list of things to keep in mind when
selecting a spot for the air filter
• Study your shop layout and try to determine
the best location for the hanging air filter.
Air flow that is obstructed will cause a short
cycle effect, producing unsatisfactory results.
There must be a clearance of at least 12"
from any obstructions in front and back of the
• Try to place the air filter in front of high dust
producers like sanders or near areas where
sanding will take place.
• Do not place the hanging air filter where
garage doors may pass closely or where it
may impede transport or movement of any
other object.
• Try to place the unit where it is easy to access
for turning it on, cleaning and maintenance.
Figure 5 shows an example of poor air circulation,
where the air filter is placed too close to obstruc
tions. In this situation, the velocity of the air is lost
and circulation is diminished.