Operation - Advanced Use 5
Three types of dilution task are available ‘Normal’,
‘Unknown’, and ‘Serial’. Three modes are available
for ‘Normal’ and ‘Serial’: Total Volume, Diluent
Volume, and Dilution Ratio. The first action is to
select the type of dilution task that you are going to
use, by pressing the appropriate soft-keys.
Dilute Normal
You use Dilute Normal to dilute samples, with diluent
from the reservoir or via the probe, and add up to 12
reagents. There are 3 modes of entering the parameters,
in each mode you supply Sample Volume (Vs) plus
one of the following variables: Dilution Ratio (Rd),
Diluent Volume (Vd), and Total Volume (Vt). The
software calculates the remaining variables, taking
into account the volumes of the added reagents (Vr).
Vt = Vs x Rd, Vd = Vt - Vs - Vr
For example, after selecting Dilution Ratio Mode, you
enter Sample Volume = 10 and Dilution Ratio = 3,
Reagent Volume (total) = 9; the software calculates
the Total Volume as 30 and the required Diluent
Volume as 11. In any mode, pressing the Data soft-
key gives the calculated values for the other two
1. Aspirate the required volume of diluent (in
opposite figure, from the reservoir).
2. Aspirate an air gap (specified in configuration).
3. Possibly, Aspirate reagent(s) then the sample
(with an air gap between each liquid).
4. Dispense all into recipient vessel.
Typical Task Entry
Key to press:
Key in the File # (e.g. 48),
Press Edit
Press Dil
Press Normal
Press Chge to select
source, press ENTER,
then Next.
Press Chge to select the
mode, press ENTER,
air gap
1 4
If you specify a volume of sample
greater than that of the right-
hand syringe, the left-hand will
be used to aspirate the sample.