Operation - Standard Use 4
In-run Prompts
You can defer some parameters (volumes and flow
rates) by entering a question mark (?) in place of the
value. You enter the actual value after pressing the
RUN key. This feature is particularly useful when
optimizing parameters. In the following example,
the aspirate flow rate (Asp Flow) is submitted as an
unknown. Then, each time the Method is run, you
can submit a different value (6, 12, 18). After which
you evaluate the results and select the most appro-
priate value for use in the Method.
Method Example
Dispense equal volumes of various samples, rinse
the probe after distribution.
Common (Fraction) Volume = 20 µL,
Number of fractions = 3.
Aspirate flow rate from 6 to 18 mL/minute,
dispense flow rate = 6 mL/minute.
In this example ‘Aspirate flow rate’ will be submit-
ted as an in-run prompt.
Extra volume = 5 µL.
You aspirate an extra volume of sample, to avoid
diluting the last fraction with solvent. This extra
volume is sent to the Waste, after distributing the
last fraction.
Rinse with 500 µL of solvent.
When using the software, remember that the
‘HELP’ key is available with most screens.
Entering the Method
Beginning at the Start-up Screen, key in the file
number for your Method, then press ENTER.
Then press Edit; the Task Selection Screen appears.
You can now access the screens for the required
task and enter the task related parameters. The
following screens show how to enter the informa-
tion (described above) for each task.
In general you must press the Chge soft-key to
select an option, then press ENTER to confirm the
option selected. Press the Next soft-key to cycle
forward through the screens, press Prev to cycle
backwards, or ESC when you reach the extremity
of a software branch.
Start-up Screen
Task Selection Screen
Essential Steps