Self Cleaning Oven
I.Val[ Ovum
The oven door must be closed and all controls
must be set correctly for the self-clean cycle to
work properly.
We recommend venting your kitchen with
all open window or using a ventilation tim
or hood during tile first self-clean cycle.
* Clean soil fl'om the fl'ame around the oven
door and outside the door gasket. These
areas must be cleaned by hand.
* Do not clean the door gasket by hand as this
could damage it.
* Wipe up excess grease and other food spills
with a damp cloth. This will minimize the
amount of smoke created during self:
* Remove all cookware, broiler pan, grid,
probe and any ahoninum foil fi'om tile oven.
* The oven racks may be left in the oven
during tile self-clean cycle.
* Make sure the oven fight lens and lens frame
are in place.
* Do not use commerciaJ oven cleaners,
abrasives or oven protectors in or near the
self-cleaning oven.
IMPORTANT: Tile health of some birds is
extremely sensitive to the fumes given off
during the self:cleaning cycle of any oven.
Move birds to another well-ventilated room.
NOTE: Self'Clean will not _ork if the
temperatm'e probe is I)lugged,, in or if tile
Sabbath feature is set.
0_ double ove_ models, you car_ ,set a (:lea_ cycle
i_ both ove_s at the same time. 77_e last o'ue_ ,set will
automatically delay its start u_til the e_d (j the,fi_:st
o'ue_ 's (:lea_ cycle.
0_ double ove_ models, you cat_ use timed baki_g" it_
o_e o'ue_ (rod se(/=_lea_ b_ the other at the same time.
How to set
the oven./br
500 " * " 400
Turn the Oven Mode knob to (2LEAN.
Turn the Temperature knob to CLEAN.
The oven is set to clean till" its normal clean
time of 5 hours. (If a clean time less than
5 hours is needed, turn the Mini-Knob to
the clean time desired.) Push to enter it.
You call change the clean time to any
time between 3 and 5 hours, in 15 minute
increments, depending on tile amount of soil
in your oven.
NOTE: The Mini-Knob must be pushed for the
self=clean Qcle to start.
If x(/ur o',en is connected to a 208V electrical
suppl_ "_e recommend that ?ou set }our clean
time for 5 hem's.
If I,OCKED flashes ill tile displa), the self:clean
cxc]e has been selected but the door is not
closed. (_]ose the oven d(/or.
® ® @ 0- -0
liME START Mini-Kn0b
Turnto sebct
The displa} will show (:LEAN and the clean
time remaining.
As the oven heats to the clean temperature,
the door will lock automatically. The LOCKED
light will mrn on. The display will show the
clean time remaining. It will not be possible
to open tile oven door until the temperature
drops below the lock temperature and tile
I_OCKED light goes off.
After the clean cycle is complete and
the oven has cooled, END will show ill the
display and the I_OCKED light will ttlrll
off. Turn the Oven Mode knob and tile
Temperature knob to OFF.
To stop a clean cycle, turn the Oven
Mode knob and the Temperature knob
to OFE When the LO(:KED light goes oft,
indicating the o\ en has cooled below the
locking temperature, you will be able
to opell tile door.