Using the Com,'ection Oven
I.l?ll[ Ov_n
hi a convectioil ();'ell, a ]_;lIl circtllates hot air
over, under and around die %od.
This circulating hot air is evenly distributed
tllroughout tile oven cavity. As a result, foods
are evenly cooked and browned--often in less
time with convection heat.
NOTE: The _onve_tion jim wil! _7_1_on a_zd otj
whi# _ookiz_g" to be.st distribute hot air in the oven.
The _onvectio_z./?ln skids oil lvh_z the ove_ door is
oDened. DO NOT #ave the door op_,_ ./br long" periods
o/time whi# usiz_g" conveUion _ooki_g" or you may
short_+_z the l!/k o/ the _onveUion heati_g" e#ment.
Beiore using your convection oven, check
to see if voHr cookware leaves room for air
circulation in the oven. If you are baking witll
several pans, leave space between diem. Also,
be sure the pans do not touch each other or
tile walls of tile oven.
Paper and Plastic
Heat-resistant paper and plastic containers that
are recoIllxl/ended tk)i" Hse in reg//1;(r ()veils olin
be used in convection ovens. Plastic cookware
tllat is heat-resistant to temperatures of 400°F
call also be used.
NOTE: Do not allow an_ paper or plastic to come
into contact with the upper broil elenlent,
Metal and Glass
Ally t) pe of cookware will work ill your
convection oven. However, metal pans heat tile
fhstest and are recommended ior convection
Darkened or matte-finished pans will bake
fhster than slliny pans.
(;lass or ceramic pans cook more slowly.
When baking cookies, you will get the best
results if you use a flat cookie sheet instead
of a pan with low sides.
For recipes like oven-baked cllicken, use a pan
with low sides. Hot air cannot circulate well
around ti)od in a pan with high sides.
YOu can use xour fiivorite recipes ill the
Co(l*` ectiolI ()*,ell.
When convection baking, reduce baking
temperature by 25°E No temperature
ac!jtlstment is necessary when convection
lJse pan size recommended.
Some package instructions fl_r fi'ozen
casseioles or main dishes have been developed
using commercial convection ovens. For best
results in this oven, preheat tile oven and use
the temperature on the package.
When convection baking with only 1 rack,
use CONV BAIZE I IL_CK and for best results
place the lack on rack position B ol C at die
center of tile oven. Cook times may decrease,
so food should be checked earlier than
package directions to make sure tllat it
does SlOt overcook.
Ideal for cookino hr-e casseroles and l'lsa,,n't
*,dth good results.
Because heated air is circulated evenlx
throughout tile oven, foods can be baked
with excellent restdts using multiple racks.
The amount of time required flw multi-rack
baking may increase slighdy tot some fl)ods,
but overall time is saved because two to tllree
times as m uc/l iood is cooked at once.
Cookies, mtlffins, biscuits and other quick
breads give good results with multi-rack baking.