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Consumer Sen:ices
4dmlt_ium Ovet_
With the purchase of your new M.fonogram appliance, receive the
assurance that if you ever need information or assistance from GE,
we'll be there. All you have to do is eall tolL fre!!
GE Answer
Center ®
In the USA:
Whatever yore" question about any Monogram m@)r appIim_ce, GE Answer Center <:
im_tbrmation service is aw_ilable to help. Yore" call--aml vom" questiun--wiI] be am_swered
promptly amt com'teoIMv. Aml vola cm_ ca]] aN_vtime. (_E Answer CeN_ter service is opem_
24 horn's a day, 7 days a week.
In Canada, call 838.830.3030
In-Home Repair
In the USA:
In Canada:
AGE cousumer service pruiessiomd will provide expert repair serxice, scheduled at a tm_e
that's c(mvem_iem_t tin" _oIL Mare' (;E C(msumer Service compam_y-operated locati(ms ()[_er
vim service today or tomorrow, o_" at vom" conveNfieN_ce (7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays,
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Satm'days). Ore" fi_ctorwtraim_ed tedmicim_s know vom" appliam_ce
im_side am] ore--so most repairs cam_ be hamiled im_,jmt one visit.
For Customers"
With Special
In the _S_A:
(;E offers Braille co_]tro]s ['or a variety o[" (;E app]im]ces, and a
bmchure to assist...... i_ [)la _ _ h_,g a b;u'rie>free kitch en for pers(m s
with limited mobility.
Cousumers with impah'ed headug or speech who have access to a
TDD or a com,'e_ti(ma] teletypewriter ma} ca]] S00.TDD.(;E_C
(SO0.8BB.4B22) to request or service.
Service Contracts
In the _S_A:
In Canada:
888. 880.3030
Yo_* cau have the secm'e }ee]i_g that (;E (o_sm_er Service will still be there after yore"
warrm_ty expires. Pro'chase a GE cow, tract while yore" warfarin _is still i_ ef_i_ct aud you'll
receive a s_d)sta_tia] discum_t. With a m_fltip]e-)ear c(mtract, y(m're assm'ed of futm'e
service at today's [)rices.
Par_s and
In the USA:
In Canada:
Individuals qua]_fied to service thek own appliances ca_ have parts ur accessories sent
directh' to their home. The GE parts system provides access to over 47,000 parts...a_d all
GE (;-e_ ui _e Re_ ewa] Parts are fully warrm_ ted. VISA, MasterCard a_ d Discover cards are
User maintenance instructions contained m this manual cover procedures intended to be
performed by any user. Other servicing generally should he referred to qualified service
persmmeL Caution must be exercised, since in,proper servicing may cause unsafe operation.