Other Advantium Features
,4dvanlium Oven
U_(ov( _ from b(i_g" ax(id( _IaD_) ._I(nIed
or .._ed D) ci_$1dro_.
[_®................0(_ __ O_ _(_] Press andhoktCi,EAR/OFFfbr
®O O0 ® ....... @O 5 seccmds to lock a_d m_k)ck.
When the control pane! is locked,
(Z_tovU is LOCKED will be displayed
biieflv anytime a pad oi dia] is
I ...............® 1
®0 00 0 . GO
+ +
L:'._U_i.</i.aI,r<.a_OIim_ )o. _,_d a
1. Press the TIMER pad.
9. Turn the dial to select the hours.
Press the dial to emeL
o. Turn tile dial to select the
minutes, Press the dial to emen
7D cal.:el p_ s'.sTE_,{ER.
An automatic fhn protects the oven
flom too much heat h_side the oxe_
( axitv.
It automaticalb turns on at lov,speed
if it senses too "much heat.
The fsn will automatically turn off
_hen the internal pa_ts me cool. It
- ]
I]-ia_;' stav O1] _<)I o0 I]]iI]t/tes o-F I]]oFe
afker the oxen) control is tm_)ed off.