Care and Cleaning
4 dva t_liu _ ()vet_
Cooking trays
and baking
To prment breakage, allow the trays
to cool completely before cleaning.
_'ash careflllly in warm, sudsy water
or ira tile dishwasher.
Do not use metal scouring pads
or abrasives, as they may damage
the finish. A soap-filled scouring
pad may be used to clean tire trays.
Clearg_ass tray,/iw
Non-stick metal lrayjbr
Pal/bod direclly o_ the
ahanirmm bakiz_g".sheetor_
lke wire ove_ rag:k, arid place
them or_ the IIom,slick metal
h'a_; whe_ bakinff o*_ lwo
lev{Ls, broili_" o/ loa,sli_g"
How to clean
the outside
We reeommend against using
deaners with ammonia or alcohol, as
they can damage the appearance of the
oven. {/'you ekoose to use a _r_m,non
household eleaner_ fi_t apply the cleaner
directly to a dean eloth_ then wipe the
soiled area.
(]leai_ the outside with a suds_ _cloth.
Rinse a_d then dry. Wipe the v,b_dov,
cleai_ _ith a damp'cloth.
Glass Control Panel and Door
(on some models)
Wipe with a clea_ damp sponge.
DI T thoroughly. Do not use cleanfi_g
sprays, large arr_oui_ts of soap and
water, abrasives or sharp objects cm
the pa_e!--they ca_ damage it.
Door Frame
It's important to keep the area
clem_ where the door seals agab_st
the oven. [)se only mild, non-abrasive
detergents applied with a clean
sp(mge or soft cloth. Rfi_se well.
Stainless steel
(on SO_IZe
Do not use a steel-wool pad; it will
scratch the surface.
1. Shake bottle well.
Place a small amount of CERAMA
BRYTE c'_'Stainless Steel Appliance
Cleaner on a damp cloth or damp
paper towel.
Clean a small area (approximately
• x o ), rubbing with tire grain of
tile stainless steel if applical)le.
Dry arrd buff with a clean, dry
paper towel or soft cloth.
5. Repeat as necessai y.
NOTES: If a mineral oil-based
stainless steel appliance cleaner
has been used before to clean the
appliance, wash tile surface with
dishwashing liquid and wamr prior
to using tire CERAMA BRYTE ®
Stainless Smel Appliance Cleaner.
'After washing tire surface with
dishwashing liquid arrd water, use
a generous amount of CERA_IA
BRYTE ® Stainless Smel Appliance
Cleaner to clean tile appliance.
To Order
To order CE_ BRYTE ® Stainless
Steel Appliance Cleaner, please call
our toll-free nunrber:
National Parts Center 800.626.2002
Stainless Steel Appliance
Cleaner ........... # PM l OX311