73Chapter 4 Configuration with Logicmaster 90–70
Copying, Deleting, and Undeleting
Individual modules in the Remote Drop configuration can be copied, deleted, and
undeleted in the same way as modules in the PLC configuration. You can also copy,
delete, and undelete Remote I/O Scanners and their remote drop configuration files
from the bus level. (A Remote I/O Scanner cannot be copied, deleted, or undeleted
from within the Remote Drop rack configuration.)
Copying a Remote Drop Configuration
Once a Remote I/O Scanner has been entered into the PLC configuration, it can be
copied to any other location on the Genius bus. The copy will include all modules that
are configured for the remote drop, in the same relative rack positions. To copy a
remote drop configuration, place the cursor on the Remote I/O Scanner in the bus
display and press the Copy key. In the bus display, move the cursor to the bus address
for the copy and press Enter. Press ESC to quit Copy mode.
In the copy, the Logicmaster 90–70 software automatically increments the Remote
Drop ID and Reference Addresses to the next ones available. The data lengths remain
the same. For instance, if the first Remote I/O Scanner has been assigned to use 32 bits
of %I memory, the duplicated configuration of the next Remote I/O Scanner would
also initially assign %I memory the length of 32 bits.
Fatal overlaps (%I or %AI) cannot be created by a copy.
Deleting a Remote Drop Configuration
To delete a Remote Drop configuration, go to the bus configuration screen and place
the cursor on the Remote I/O Scanner. Press DELETE (shift–F4). The screen prompts:
Delete Remote I/O Scanner from bus and corresponding configuration file? (Y/N)
To delete the Remote Drop, press Y.
The software retains the most recently–deleted module configuration. If you delete a
Remote Drop, the deleted configuration is saved until you: delete another module, exit
PLC configuration, zoom into another Remote Drop, or select another configuration
with the CFGSEL key. While it is saved, a deleted Remote Drop configuration can be
undeleted as described below.
Undeleting a Remote Drop Configuration
To get back the Remote Drop configuration you have deleted most recently, on the bus
configuration screen place the cursor on the intended slot. Press UNDEL (shift–F5).
The Remote I/O Scanner reappears in the slot.
A Remote I/O Scanner configuration can only be undeleted once.