115Chapter 8 Diagnostics and Fault Clearing
Displaying Faults from the Monitor Block Screens
From the HHM main menu, select either F1 (Monitor Block) or F2 (Monitor/Control
Reference). Both functions access the same set of display screens for the Remote I/O
143#0.2 %I 1
> ref force diag
From any Monitor screen, press F4 (diag) to display diagnostics for the remote drop.
The Hand–held Monitor displays the first fault it encounters. For example:
143#0.3 #I 33
mon nxt
The Remote I/O Scanner stores faults (up to 64) in time sequence, not reference
sequence. If the circuit that was shown on the Monitor screen when you pressed F4
(diag) has a fault, that fault appears. If there is no fault on that circuit, the Hand–held
Monitor displays the oldest fault stored by the Remote I/O Scanner instead.
Displaying Additional Faults
Pressing F4 (nxt) displays additional remote drop faults in the same sequence in which they
occurred. For example, if the fourth oldest fault is being shown, pressing F4 (nxt)
displays the fifth oldest, and so on.
Multiple Faults for the Same Circuit
If a circuit has multiple faults that occurred at different times, they will probably not be
displayed one after another. To see whether a reference has additional faults, use the
F4 (nxt) key to go through the fault screens. Watch the reference identification on line
2 for the specific circuit you are interested in.
Returning to the Monitor Screen
Pressing F1 (mon) returns you to the Monitor screen you started from.