13Chapter 1 Introduction
Number of Remote Drops on a Bus
The number of remote drops on a bus depends on the baud rate and the total number
of I/O points in the remote drops.
Since the maximum Genius bus scan time is 400mS, and the bus scan time contribution
of one fully–loaded remote drop is 20mS, only twenty fully–loaded remote drops are
supported on a single bus that operates at 153.6 Kbaud. If remote drops are not
fully–loaded, more may be used on a bus operating at these baud rates.
If some remote drops are not fully–loaded, more than the maximum number given
below can be used. The table in appendix A will help you estimate the total number of
remote drops and data bytes that can be accommodated on a bus that has one Bus
Controller, one Genius Hand–held Monitor, no datagrams or Global Data
communications, and no Genius I/O blocks. The Genius I/O System User’s Manual
explains how to calculate the bus scan time for a specific bus.
Maximum Number of Drops per Baud Rate
153.6K baud extended: Up to 20 fully–loaded drops, or up to 30 drops with the total
number of I/O bytes less than the limits listed in the table.
153.6K baud standard: Up to 20 fully–loaded drops, or up to 30 drops with the total
number of I/O bytes less than the limits listed in the table.
76.8K baud: Up to 10 fully–loaded drops, or up to 30 drops with the total number of
I/O bytes less than the limits listed in the table.
38.4K baud: Up to 5 fully–loaded drops, or up to 14 drops with the total number of
I/O bytes less than the limits listed in the table.