Index-2 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual–September 1998 GFK-0467K
Continuation contact, 4-8
normally closed contact, 4-4
normally open contact, 4-4
Continuation coil, 4-8
Continuation contact, 4-8
Control functions, 4-107
CALL, 4-108
COMMENT, 4-131
DOIO, 4-109
enhanced DOIO for model 331 and higher
CPUs, 4-113
END, 4-123
ENDMCR, 4-127
JUMP, 4-128
LABEL, 4-130
MCR, 4-124
PID, 4-171
Sequential Event Recorder, 4-114
SER, 4-114
SVCREQ, 4-132
Control functions Instruction timing, CPU, A-1
Conversion functions, 4-94
BCD-4, 4-95
DINT, 4-99
INT, 4-97
REAL, 4-101
TRUN, 4-105
WORD, 4-103
Convert to BCD-4 function, 4-95
Convert to double precision signed integer
function, 4-99
Convert to Real function, 4-101
Convert to signed integer function, 4-97
Convert to Word function, 4-103
Corrupted memory, 3-7
Corrupted user program on power-up, 3-13
COS, 4-35
Cosine function, 4-35
Counters, 4-9
DNCTR, 4-22
function block data, 4-9
UPCTR, 4-20
CPU sweep, 2-2
CTRL keys, D-1
Data move functions, 4-69
BITSEQ, 4-80
BLKCLR, 4-75
BLKMOV, 4-73
MOVE, 4-70
SHFR, 4-77
Data retentiveness, 2-21
Data types, 2-23
BCD-4, 2-23
BIT, 2-23
BYTE, 2-23
DINT, 2-23
INT, 2-23
REAL, 2-23
WORD, 2-23
Defaults conditions for model 30 output
modules, 2-41
DEG, 4-39
Diagnostic data, 2-41
Diagnostic faults, 3-4
addition of I/O module, 3-18
application fault, 3-12
constant sweep time exceeded, 3-12
loss of I/O module, 3-17
loss of, or missing, option module, 3-8
low battery signal, 3-11
reset of, addition of, or extra, option module,
DINT, 2-23, 4-99
Discrete references, 2-20
discrete inputs, 2-20
discrete internal, 2-20
discrete outputs, 2-20
discrete temporary, 2-21
global data, 2-21
system references, 3-5
system status, 2-21, 2-24
DIV, 4-27
Division function, 4-27
DNCTR, 4-22
Do I/O function, 4-109
enhanced DO I/O function for model 331 and
higher CPUs, 4-113
DOIO, 4-109
enhanced DOIO for model 331 and higher
CPUs, 4-113
Double precision signed integer, 2-23
Down counter, 4-22
Elapsed time clock, 2-34
END, 4-123
End function, 4-123
End master control relay function, 4-127
ENDMCR, 4-127
Enhanced DO I/O function for the model 331
and higher CPUs, 4-113
EQ, 4-41
Equal function, 4-41
Error codes, B-5