GFK-0467K Chapter 4 Series 90-30/20/Micro Instructions Set 4-39
Radian Conversion (RAD, DEG)
When the function receives power flow, the appropriate conversion (RAD_TO_DEG or
DEG_TO_RAD, i.e., Radian to Degree or vice versa) is performed on the real value in input IN and
the result is placed in output Q.
The ok output will receive power flow unless IN is NaN (Not a Number).
| |
(enable) —| RAD
|— (ok)
| |
| TO_ |
| |
| DEG |
| |
(input parameter IN) —|IN Q|— (output parameter Q)
Parameter Description
enable When the function is enabled, the operation is performed.
IN IN contains the real value to be operated on.
ok The ok output is energized when the function is performed without overflow, unless
IN is NaN.
Q Output Q contains the converted value of IN.
The Radian conversion functions are only available on the 350 and 360 series
CPUs, Release 9 or later, or on all releases of CPU352.