GFK-0467K Chapter 4 Series 90-30/20/Micro Instructions Set 4-165
SVCREQ #46:Fast Backplane Status Access
Use the SVCREQ function #46 to perform one of the following fast backplane access functions:
1. Read a word of extra status data from one of more specified smart modules.
2. Write a word of extra status data from one of more specified smart modules.
3. Read/Write: Read a word of extra status data from one or more specified modules and write the
data value between 0 and 15 to the same module, all in one operations.
This Service Request is available only for use with modules that support it. Currently, the
only module designed to support this function is the DSM (Digital Servo Module) 312
Version. This DSM module is not available at the time of publication of this manual;
however, it is scheduled for release soon.
This Service Request has a variable length as described below. The first word of the parameter
block (PARM) has this format:
1 = Read extra data
2= Write extra data
3 = Read/write extra data
The first word of the parameter block determines which function will be used.
Read Extra Status Data (Function #1)
The Read Extra Data function reads a word of extra status data from each of the modules specified
by a list in the parameter block and places the status data values into the parameter block. The
parameter block requires (N + 4) words of reference memory, where N is the number of modules to
which the data will be written.