D-160 Owner's Manual (Names and Functions)
* Refer to page "85" for more information about the clipboard.
* Refer to page "75" for more information about Auto Punch In/Out recording.
* Refer to page "70" for more information about Auto Return.
22. Store key [STORE]
This key is used to store a time value (or Bar/Beat/Clock value) to one of the memory
keys. Pressing this key, and then one of the following keys will cause the data shown on
the display to be stored to the corresponding memory key you pressed. Pressing the
STORE key while holding down the HOLD/> key will change a Program.
STORE key -> CLIPBOARD IN key Data is stored as a Clipboard In point.
The stored data can be used as a locator.
STORE key -> CLIPBOARD OUT key Data is stored as a Clipboard Out point.
The stored data can be used as a locator.
STORE key -> AUTO PUNCH IN key Data is stored as an Auto Punch In point.
The stored data can be used as a locator.
STORE key -> AUTO PUNCH OUT key Data is stored as an Auto Punch Out point.
The stored data can be used as a locator.
STORE key -> AUTO RTN START key Data is stored as an Auto Return Start point.
The stored data can be used as a locator.
STORE key -> AUTO RTN END key Data is stored as an Auto Return End point.
The stored data can be used as a locator.
STORE key -> LOCATE key Data is stored as a LOCATE key data.
After pressing this key, if you wish to cancel the store operation, press the EXIT/NO key,
DISP SEL key, or STOP button.
* Refer to page "85" for more information about the clipboard.
* Refer to page "28" and "49" for more information about Program Change function.
* Refer to page "67" for more information about the Locate function.
* Refer to page "75" for more information about Auto Punch In/Out recording.
* Refer to page "70" for more information about Auto Return.
23. Hold/Digit Move key [HOLD/>]
Pressing this key while the recorder transport is operating will hold the time value (or
Bar/Beat/Clock value), display the value on the screen, and will place the D-160 into edit
mode. If you press this key while the recorder section is stopped, the D-160 will enter
edit mode. Pressing this key repeatedly allows you to select the digit (column) to edit.
To cancel edit mode, press the STOP button, DISP SEL key, or EXIT/NO key.
Pressing the STORE key while holding down the HOLD/> key will change the Program.
* Refer to pages "67" and "85" for more information about using this key.
24. Jog/Shuttle dial
Jog dial (inside):
Turning the JOG dial while the recorder is stopped performs digital scrubbing in either
direction, which allows you to check the audio and locate a point without any change
in pitch.
The JOG dial is also used to change values in the data edit mode or when the pitch
data is displayed. It also allows you to select a parameter to set in Setup mode.
Shuttle dial (outside):
FWD and REW direction shuttle operation in the STOP mode is possible at +/-1 ~ 64
times fast winding in the no sound state. On the other hand, FWD and REW direction
shuttle operation in the PLAY mode is possible in the CUE playback mode at +1 ~ 8 and
-1 ~ -7 times speed while cueing. In addition, while in the display edit mode, the
editing point can be moved in the same way as by the HOLD/> key.
* Refer to pages "67" and "85" for more information about the editing the memory data.
* Refer to page "137" for more information about Setup mode.