
D-160 Owner's Manual (MMC/FEX List/Maintenance/Specifications)
Explanation on the Command/Mode Set
12 22 (<on/off>): loop on/off command
The command for setting the "loop mode on/off" (=ON/OFF of AUTO RTN) of D-160.
Default figure of the loop operation mode is "12=stop" and this cannot be changed.
12 28 (<post locate mode>): post locate command
The command for setting the "post locate mode" (=ON/OFF of AUTO PLAY) of D-160.
It will stop after locating if "post locate mode=12." It will enter play after locating if "post
locate mode=15."
12 2D (<on/off>): auto rec command
The command for setting "auto rec mode on/off" (=ON/OFF of AUTO PUNCH) of D-160.
Upon receiving this command, D-160 will immediately reply the operating condition by
sending "32 2D (<edit message>)".
12 41 (<lock enable>): lock enable command
The command for setting "slave mode on/off" (setup menu) of D-160.
12 42 (<lock mode>): lock mode command
The command for setup of the slave mode (setup menu) when this equipment is set to
"slave mode on."
12 45 (<count><mmc track>) : copy clip command
When this command is received, D-160 will copy (multiple number of tracks can be
copied simultaneously) the sound data, as data for copy paste, from the pre-registered
clipboard-in point to the clipboard-out point in the track specified by <mmc track>.
With completion of copying the data into the clipboard, D-160 will immediately reply
with "32 45 (<edit message=01 (completed)>)".
If copy cannot be executed due to improper figures of the pre-registered clipboard in/
clipboard out points or incorrect track section, the corresponding <edit message> will be
12 46 (<count=01><repeat count>): copy paste command
12 46 (<count><repeat count><mmc track>): copy paste command
When this command is received, D-160 will paste the sound data which has been copied
into the clipboard, on the same track from the pre-registered auto punch in point as the
starting point for the number of time specified by <repeat count>.
However, if the sound data length in the clipboard is less than 10ms, the specifying the
<repeat count> will be limited to "01."
Also, by specifying <mmc track>, paste can be executed on other tracks in mono (in one
track units) or stereo units (in combinations of tracks 1&2, 3&4, 5&6.......15 & 16).
Since time corresponding to length of the copy clipped sound data is required to complete
the copy paste operation, D-160 immediately replies with "32 46(<edit message=02
(active)>)" after receiving the command.
Successively upon completing the paste operation, "32 46 (<edit message=01
(completed)>)" is transmitted.
If paste cannot be executed due to improper figures of the pre-registered auto punch in
point, insufficient disc capacity, no sound data in the clipboard, etc., the corresponding
<editmessage> will be replied.
12 47 (<count><mmc track>): erase command
When this command is received, D-160 will erase the data (writes in "0" data) in the
section from the pre-registered auto punch in point through auto punch out point in the
track specified by <mmc track>. Since time corresponding to length of the erase section
is required to complete the erase operation, D-160 will immediately reply by "32 47