D-160 Owner's manual (SETUP mode)
2-15. Digital Input Track Setting (“Digi. In?”)
This mode sets up the incoming digital signal to assign the D-160 recording track you
have chosen. Using this function to digitally record from external digital equipment.
The SPDIF stereo digital signal can assign D-160 tracks from track 1 to track 16 according
to what pair you want.
In the case of adat digital signal input, this mode will assign 8 track adat signals to either
tracks 1 ~ 8 or 9 ~ 16. You need to set the D-160 sampling frequency to match the
incoming digital signal sampling frequency.
* Initial setting : L- - R- - (Nothing is assigned on Lch and Rch)
* Available setting : Lch = 1 ~ 16, adat, - -(No assign) Rch = 1 ~ 16, - - (No assign)
* This setting is commonly applicable to all the programs .
* This setting cannot be saved or loaded.
* The setting is memorized even when the power is off.
* The D-160 has two sets of DATA INPUT connectors: 1-8 and 9-16.
In the case of adat, change over the connection depending on which group of tracks you
want to assign the digital signal to. In the case of SPDIF, the signal input can only be done
via the DATA INPUT 1-8 connector. Do not use the 9-16 connector. The input signal will be
applicable to all 16 tracks.
* The D-160 will mute audio for about two seconds when it locks/unlocks the external sync
source if you have chosen the slave type to “SPDIF” or “adat”. To avoid this, supply a
reliable and stable digital source signal to the D-160.
* Again, remember that you need to set the D-160 sampling frequency to match the incoming
digital signal sampling frequency.
* The D-160 cannot record digitally if the D-160 sampling frequency is different from the
incoming SPDIF digital signal sampling frequency.
* In the case of the adat digital signal input, the D-160 will record the signal digitally but
with the incorrect speed. This is because, when the D-160 has been set up with this mode
ON, the D-160 will be working in the external word clock sync mode, i.e. incoming SPDIF or
adat signal clock timing runs the D-160 internal clock rather than the D-160's own internal
clock. In the case of the SPDIF signal, it contains the sampling frequency information in the
signal itself. So, the D-160 will recognize if the incoming sampling frequency is different
from the one set up in the D-160 and refuse to synchronize to it. However, an adat signal
does not contain this sampling frequency info as in the standard. The D-160 will ignore the
sampling frequency difference and synchronize with the incorrect rate and record at the
wrong speed.
1. Press the DISP SEL key and choose the flashing SETUP mode on the display. Then, press the
The SETUP display will stop flashing.
2. With the JOG dial, choose “Digi.In?”.
The “?” display will start flashing. The display will also show the current setting. In the case of the
initial setting, it will show “L- - R- -”.
3. Press the EXECUTE/YES key.
The current assign setting on the Lch will start flash asking you to choose the setting you want.