
Storage Cleanup data: Records what media have been
deleted by the automatic storage cleanup routine, including
file names, sizes and dates.
Missing Elements Log: Records all missing media
referenced by an active playlist or schedule, including date,
time and file element.
Error Summary data: Records important user player
diagnostic information, including the number of system
restarts, number of watchdog restarts, the player version,
Serial Commands: Records most incoming and outgoing
external control commands.
Log Format
Allows you to set the output format of the run log file to
either.CSV or.XML.
Sample from a .CSV format run log:
12-07-02 20:30:07,1,05saturn.mpg,3_ser220.BMP,1,00:01:01,100
Sample from a .XML format run log:
<mpeg datetime=”12-07-02 20:32:57” chan=”1”
filename=”05saturn.mpg” overlay=”3_ser220.BMP” loop=”1”
duration=”00:01:01” percent=”100” />
The format of the diagnostic log is in a simple “time - event” per
line format.
Log Default Playlist
Allows you to designate whether or not the default playlist
playback is included in the playback log file data. Choosing “Yes”
includes the default playlist in the playback data. Conversely,
choosing “No” excludes the default playlist from the log file data.
If you are not using the scheduling feature (single playlist mode),
note that the playlist will not be logged.