
External Control Commands
Basic Hyper Terminal Setup
You will need a PC with Hyper Terminal (all Windows machines
contain this under “Start/Programs/Accessories/Commuications”)
and a
null modem cable (female 9 pin ‘D” to female 9 pin D - RS-
232 cable). Connect cable and start Hyper Terminal. Select Serial
Port 1 & 9600BPS. Hit the enter key and you should see a “NAK”
appear on the screen. If this takes a long time or not at all, you
need to recheck connection and be sure that COM 1 is enabled in
your BIOS setting. Also make sure nothing else is using COM 1.
Once you’ve established connection, select File/Properties/Settings
Tab/ASCII Setup button. Check the “Echo typed characters
locally” box and select OK twice. Now you can proceed with
typing in the Syntax desired. A correct responce will return
“ACK”. If you mispell, hit enter and try again (i.e., don’t try to
correct). Please consult the Hyper Terminal Help file or see your
Network Administrator for further assistance.
Upon initial start up, Firefly will begin playing the latest loaded playlist/
schedule automatically. Following start up, if you choose to begin
playback manually via External commands, you can default this option to