
Quick Start Plug and Play
Configuring the Firefly FTP Server
1. Click on Settings in the Main Menu list and select FTP Server
2. Fill in the FTP Site Information Fields.
a. IP Address/Hostname.
Network Administrator provides the IP Address and
Hostname of the FTP server.
b. Directory
Name of the directory where the files go.
c. FTP UserName
d. FTP Password
3. FTP Proxy
Check this box if using a FTP Proxy server, then add its IP
address and port.
For additional information, see Updating Video Playback on
page 103.
Network Administrator provides FTP configuration information.
This may be the Firefly or an
FTP server used for storing
presentation content.
When loading directly to Fire-
fly, leave the Directory field
blank and place files in FTP
root directory.
Security settings provided by
Network Administrator.