XTP T UWP 302 • XTP System Configuration Software 28
Input/Output tab
Click the Input/Output tab to open the Input/Output screen. It contains input information
and options to apply automatic settings to individual inputs.
Figure 27. Input/Output Tab
Input name — Displays the input name.
Signal type — Displays the signal type of each input. Input 1 is analog. Input 2 is
Auto-Image — Select the Auto-Image check box of input 1 to apply an automatic
Auto-Image. When selected, Auto-Image is applied whenever there is a change in the input
sync. Auto-Image attempts to size and center the input signal based on the aspect ratio
Auto Memory — Select the Auto Memory check box of input 1 to enable the Auto
Memory. Auto Memory recalls input and image settings for signals that have previously been
applied. When it is disabled, the XTP T UWP 302 treats every newly applied input as a new
HDCP authorization — Select either HDCP Authorized check box to have input 2 report
as an HDCP authorized device. If the box is not checked, the source will be blocked from
encrypting its output. This may result in some content not being passed by the source