XTP T UWP 302 • SIS Configuration and Control 18
Error Responses
When the XTP T UWP 302 receives an SIS command and determines that it is valid, it
performs the command and sends the corresponding response to the host device. If the
command is determined invalid or contains invalid parameters, the switcher returns an error
response to the host. The error response codes are:
E01 = Invalid input number E12 = Invalid port number
E06 = Invalid switch attempt in this mode E13 = Invalid parameter
E10 = Invalid command E14 = Not valid for this configuration
E11 = Invalid preset number E17 = Invalid command for signal type
Using the Command and Response Tables for SIS Commands
The command and response tables begin on page 20. Figure 17 shows the hexadecimal
equivalent of ASCII characters used in the command and response tables.
NOTE: Upper and lowercase text can be used interchangeably unless otherwise stated.
ASCII to Hex Conversion Table
Figure 17. ASCII to Hexadecimal Conversion
Symbol Definitions
= Carriage return and line feed
| or }
= Carriage return with no line feed
= Space
E or W
= Escape key