
XTP T UWP 302 • Installation and Operation 16
Reset Modes
Use the recessed Reset button on the rear panel of the transmitter to return the device to
default settings or to restore factory-shipped firmware. To access the Reset button, the
XTP T UWP 302 may need to be removed from the mud ring or junction box.
Reset Mode Summary
Mode Activation Result Purpose/Notes
Factory Reset
(Mode 1)
Press the recessed Reset button while
applying power to the device.
NOTE: After a mode 1 reset,
update the device with the
latest firmware version. DO
NOT operate the firmware
version that results from this
mode reset.
The device reverts to the factory
default firmware.
NOTE: If you do not want to
update the firmware or perform
a mode 1 reset by mistake,
cycle power to the device to
return the firmware version
running prior to the reset.
Use mode 1 to roll back
to factory firmware for a
single power cycle if an
incompatibility issue arises.