IPI 100 and IPI 200 Series • Operation
Button Operation
Push to tak operation
Press a Push to Talk button to call the help desk or another console. That enables
the microphone, causes the Mic On LED to light, and enables communication to the
• IftheconsolePCbeingcalledisbusy,theIPIplaysa.wavletotellthecaller
console PC to indicate that the intercom is calling. For informaton about .wav
seepage5‑12for information about using .wav files.
• IftheconsolePCbeingcalledisnotconnectedtothenetwork,theIPIplaysa
.wav file stored on its local MLC to notify the intercom user that the connection
is not available. Also, the button lights red instead of amber.
• Onceacallissuccessfullyconnected,pressandholdthebuttonwhenyou
speak, and release it to allow the other party to speak.
You must press and hold an IPI’s button to speak and to call the help desk or
another intercom. When you release the button, the intercom’s microphone
turns off unless the help desk is listening (see page 510).
Indication (ighting
Button Coor Indication
Amber (dim
that button is turned on and is connected
to the network. If that device gets
disconnected or if the help desk software
is not running on that PC, the button lights
red. Once it is reconnected, the button
returns to dim amber lighting.
Amber (bright
the button is configured to call. This
happens during a call, a page, or when
receiving an announcement from the
console PC.
button is disconnected from the network or
is turned off.