IN1606 and IN1608 Series Scaling Presentation Switcher • Internal Web Pages 90
To clear a preset:
1. Select the input preset or user preset to be cleared.
2. Click the Clear button located in the same section of the screen. A confirmation dialog
box opens.
3. Click the Clear button to erase saved data or click the Cancel button to return to the
Preset Management page.
To rename a preset:
1. Double-click a Preset Name or right-click a Preset Name and select Rename.
2. Enter a new preset name and press the <Enter> key.
Device Settings Page
The Device Settings page allows configuration of Screen Saver settings, on-screen display
timeout, HDCP notification, and video and sync muting. Click the Device Settings button
on the Global Navigation Bar to open the Device Settings page.
Figure 54. Device Settings Page
Screen Saver panel
When no active video is detected on the selected input, the screen saver mode is activated.
The output sync can be disabled after a user-set duration, which allows display devices to
go into a low power, standby state.
1. Click one of the radio buttons to select a display when the screen saver is enabled.
• Black — Mutes video output to black for a set duration before disabling output
sync (default).
• Blue with On Screen Display (OSD) Bug — Displays a blue background with
a moving OSD message that indicates “<scaler model>: Input <number> No
” for a set duration before disabling the output sync.
2. Select a duration to display the screen saver before the output sync is disabled.
• Select the Disable Sync When No Input Signal Is Detected check box to
disable the scaler output sync after a set duration without an active input. When
selected, the Duration On Screen field becomes available.
• In the Duration On Screen field, enter a value in the field or click the Up and Down
arrows to specify a duration to wait before disabling output sync during inactivity.
The default is to never disable the output sync.