
58 MS6000-EU-EN V1.4 8/12
4.5.7 Fast Action Buttons
AUTO: Automatically set the oscilloscope controls to generate a usable display of the input signals.
Refer to the following table for relative content.
RUN/STOP: Continuously acquire waveforms or stop the acquisition.
Autoset is one of the most useful modes of the digital oscilloscope. When the AUTO button is pressed,
the oscilloscope will identify the type of waveform (sine or square) and adjust controls according to the
input signal so that it can accurately display the waveform.
Functions Settings made automatically
Acquire Mode Adjusts to Normal or Peak Detect
Cursor Off
Display Format Sets to YT
Display Type Sets to Vectors for an FFT spectrum; otherwise, unchanged
Horizontal Position Adjusted
TIME/DIV Adjusted
Trigger Coupling Adjusts to DC, Noise Reject, LF Reject or HF Reject
Trigger Holdoff Minimum
Trigger Level Sets to 50%
Trigger Mode Auto
Trigger Source Adjusted
Trigger Slope Adjusted
Trigger Type Edge
Trigger Video Sync Adjusted
Trigger Video Standard Adjusted
Vertical Bandwidth Full
Vertical Coupling
DC (if GND was chosen before); AC for the video signal; otherwise,
Volts Adjusted