The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 84 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
The actual text used for a parameter and the way changes made to
a parameter’s value in the
PARAMETER area translate to control
output changes in the Patch Editor area are set up by
the “parameter adjuster’s” module in the Patch Editor area.. This
screen shown to the right is a composite picture of the <modify>
menu for the knob module in the
Patch Instruct program.
• The module
name specifier is set to “delay knob."
• The
menu statement specifier is set to “Each
” (the last ‘s’ is hidden). This means that on a menu
page in the
PARAMETER area where this knob module’s
menu statement shows up, the text “Each Delay:
” will show, where xxxxx actually reflects the value
that the parameter is set to. The “
%2.0f” part is described in
some detail later.
• The 8 char name is “Delay." The 8 char name is what would show up as a SOFT KEY if this
module’s userobject were connected to the head module.
• The
min value specifier sets the minimum value that the parameter can be set to.
• The
max value specifier sets the maximum value that the parameter can be set to.
• The
resolution specifier sets the “jump” that the parameter value makes when the KNOB is rotated. In
other words, when the user rotates the
KNOB, the resolution is how far the parameter value changes
per incremental movement.
• The last line in the
<modify> menu shows “Each Delay:250ms” This is called the “example line." It
is an example of what the
menu statement actually looks like when viewed in the PARAMETER area.
If the example line is selected, the parameter value can be set and the parameter will behave the same as
it does when used in the
Let’s look at these lines in more detail, shall we?
Menu Statement
The menu statement is a crucial specifier used in the basic knob module, which is the most common
“parameter adjuster." The
menu statement is the line that will appear in PARAMETER area menu page.
menu statement may contain up to 20 characters including the parameter value. Anything over 20
characters will not be displayed.
The first job of the
menu statement is to indicate to the user what the parameter is for. It should also
contain the format for the parameter value that will be displayed, indicating the number of spaces that the
parameter value will take up and how many digits will be after the decimal point for a numerical parameter
(parameter values can be text as well, more on this later). You must specify this format bearing in mind the min
, the max value, and the resolution.
The syntax of the format is:
Y is the number of spaces reserved for display and X is the maximum number of digits after the
decimal point. The percent(
%), period(.), and f must be used as shown. If the period(.) is removed, the