The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 74 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
Example: To break the connection between the two delay modules in the program Patch Instruct from
the “
Programming” bank, first load the program. Then press and hold the PARAMETER key to enter the
Patch Editor area.
After the display updates, briefly press the
PARAMETER key again
to reveal the alternative set of
Press the <unplug> SOFT KEY
Use the LEFT CURSOR key to select the input for the second
delay module.
Press the SELECT key.
That’s it. You’ve “unplugged” the input to the delay module.
Note that the aud only/aud+ctrl/ctrlonly/misc SOFT KEY is active to aid in selecting a module and
input to be unplugged. Changing the display mode does not deselect the currently selected input. The
upper right corner of the screen will indicate the currently selected input, regardless of the display mode.
Inserting Modules
The <insert> SOFT KEY adds a new module to the “patch." The
new module will be inserted to the right of the currently selected
module. Use the
RIGHT and LEFT CURSOR keys to select the
insertion point.
Note that modules do not, strictly speaking, have to be in any particular order because connections can run
in either direction. However, the programmer should be aware that every instance of reverse signal flow will
add a four sample delay to the process. In some casess, such as where a preset has multiple signal paths,
such delays can cause objectionable "phasing," or other artefacts.
After you've chosen where to place a new module, press the
<insert> SOFT KEY. This display is a lot like
the one given in the
PROGRAM area. Just as in the PROGRAM area, the top area shows the name of a
“group” (bank), and the field below lists the contents of that group. The difference is that here a group
“contains” modules instead of programs
. If you’re unfamiliar with how to load a program, you probably shouldn’t be reading this
Please read the separate User’s Manual before proceeding!