The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 82 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
To the right is a composite of the
<modify> menu data that
would be seen by rotating the
KNOB. The obj data lines indicate
which userobject outputs are connected to this menupage
module’s userobject inputs. In this case, the userobjects of the
module named “
delay knob." the module named “delay mon."
and the module named “
info” are all connected to this
menupage module’s userobject inputs. are included userobjects.
To the right is a diagram of what’s actually going on. As was
mentioned before, the connections made between userobject
outputs and userobject inputs are not shown as little lines in the
Patch Editor area. The connections are implicit, much like the
connections made between inputs and outputs when routing
signal flow on the [analog], [dsp A], [dsp B], and [digital]
menu pages in the
SETUP area of Orville.
As an exercise, use the
KNOB and RIGHT CURSOR key to select obj2. Press the SELECT key. The screen
should look like the one to the right. Rotate the
KNOB left and
right to view available userobjects that can be connected to this
userobject input. The possibilities are: adc-nullobj, delay knob-
, scalemult-obj, delay mon-obj, menu1-obj, and info-
Just for the fun of it (and what fun it is!) select delay knob-obj. The
screen should look like the one to the right, with
delay knob-
connected to both userobject input 1 and userobject input 2.
Now return to the PARAMETER area by pressing the <done>
SOFT KEY and then pressing and holding the PARAMETER key.
You should see that indeed, the
Each Delay parameter is now
doubled on the menu page. Change one version and then
highlight the second version; you’ll see that they are the same
even if they do exhibit some peculiar behavior. You won’t normally have any reason to put the same
parameter on the same menu page more than once! (But you may want to put the same parameter on different menu pages in the
same program so that it will be accessible from more than one “place” in the program.)