• Power Drill
• Crescent Wrench
• 5/16” Drill Bit
• Drill bit appropriate to
the anchoring hardware
• Flat Head Mini Screw-
Other items that may be needed prior to commencing installation. Bolded items are necessary
to all applications.
• Start and stop post, bracket or door stop. Although the FAAC Estate swing features soft start/
stop it is still recommended to have a closed stop post because having a start and stop point per-
manently in place may extend the life of the operator by absorbing some of the momentum of
the gate during open and close cycles.
• 16 gauge 2 conductor stranded direct burial low voltage wire will be required to run
power to your operator. Length is determined by distance between transformer power supply
and the control box.
• 8 - 5/16” Redheads, Lag Screws and shields, or other anchoring system will be needed to
fasten the column brackets to the column. Type will be determined by the type of column.
• 4 - 5/16” hex bolts will be needed to attach the gate brackets to the gate leafs.
• Hardware to attach the control box to a post or fence.
• Watertight connectors for running wires into the control box.
• A voltage meter and digital camera may be necessary to run diagnostic checks.
• If your transformer is going to be plugged into an outdoor outlet you will need to weatherproof
that outlet and transformer. Electrical boxes or plug covers can be obtained from a local hard-
ware store to accommodate both the plug and transformer.
• Phillips Head Screwdriver
• Tape Measure
• Level
• Wire Strippers
• C-clamps
• Carpenters Clamp