The table of contents are listed to assist you locating a desired section. We do how-
ever strongly suggest studying every page of the instruction manual before at-
tempting installation.
• Review of specifications, warnings, parts, and tools 1
Specifications of the Estate Swing and Components 1.1
System Overview & Preliminary Checks 1.2
Estate Swing Parts List 1.3
Tools Needed for Installation 1.4
• Pre-installation charging 2
Control Board Layout 2.1
IMPORTANT: Charging Battery Prior to Use 2.2-.3
• Basic Installation 3
IMPORTANT: Setback & Clearance 3.1
Installation of Mounting Hardware and Arm 3.2-.3
• Mounting Control Box 4
Finding Location and Mounting 4.1
• Pre-Learning Connections 5
Removable Terminal Strip 5.1
Installing temporary safety jumpers 5.2
Actuator Arm and Dual Power Connections 5.3
Installing the Receiver and Transmitter 5.4
Power 5.5
• Basic Programming 6
Programming Gate Movement Variables 6.1
i.e. auto close, speed, force, delays
Gate Movement Variables LED Chart 6.2
Complete Start/Stop Learning Process 6.3-.5