1. The Estate Swing (Master Unit if Dual Operator) comes with 1) AC transformer. The
AC transformer supplied has 4 screw terminals, use the center 2 terminals to attach
your low voltage wire (polarity is not relevant). You may locate the transformer up to
1000’ away from the control board with 16 gauge or larger direct burial low volt-
age wire.
2. Insert the two wires into the power in section on the control board (J2) on the master
board. The wires are interchangeable and do not have a positive and negative. The
slave board receives power from the master board only, do not connect power directly
to the slave side. Do not splice the power cable wire.
Never run 110VAC power directly to the Estate Swing. This will destroy the Es-
tate Swing control board.
3. Before plugging in your transformer, plug the battery into the control board. The
clear plastic clip gets clipped into J4 with the clip side on the left. The other side of the
battery wire has a clear plastic disconnect that slides on the battery terminals. Red to
Red, Black to Black. Reversing the wires will blow the
Never connect the power wire with the transformer
plugged in. Contact between the two lead wires, even
for a second, will destroy the transformer.
4. Plug the transformer into a 110 V AC outlet.
5. The transformer is not weather proof and must be
kept in a covered area. Plug covers are available from
your dealer, contact 1-800-640-GATE for a dealer in
your area.
6. The power light (P) will be on if the power and bat-
tery are connected properly. If
the power light is blinking
slowly then only the battery is
connected, check your power