
Option Com Baudrate Command (OB)
Option Baudrate Command
Code Baudrate
0 300
1 600
2 1200
3 2400
4 4800
5 9600
6 19.2K
7 Special
The Option com Baudrate (OB) command is used to
change the communications baudrate for this unit.
The format is OB(code), where the baudrate codes
are given in the table. Code 7 is a special baudrate
that is reserved for future expansion. Note that the
acknowledgement is given at the current baudrate
and then the baudrate is changed.
@123 Changing Communications Baudrate
to 1200
Option Linefeed Command (OL)
The Option com Linefeed (OL) command turns on or off the generation of linefeed
characters when the Model 9840 sends information to your RS232 terminal. The
format is OL(0 or 1), where 0 turns linefeeds off, and 1 turns them on.
@123 Com Linefeed is on
Option Tare Retain Command (OT)
The Retain Tare (OT) command enables and disables the retention of the current tare
value in memory for use after the unit has been powered down and then powered back
up. The format for the OT command is: OT(0 or 1), where 0 is disable and 1 is enable.
Once enabled, the tare values are retained until this option is disabled. Disabling the
tare retention option resets the tare values for both channels to 0.
@123 Retain tare is on
Option End of Transmission Character (OE)
The end of transmission character is a non-visible character (hexadecimal 0x04) that is
sent at the end of each response by the unit to an RS232 command. The character is
sent after the last carriage-return line-feed returned by the unit with one exception:
when the user is viewing channel values with the @123V(item)(unit)(repeat) and sets
the value of repeat to 2 (streaming output), the character is sent immediately prior to
the streaming output that the unit will send. The OE command enables or disables
this character and its format is: OE(0 or 1), where 0 is disable and 1 is enable.
MODEL 9840 PG 47 PUB. 2856-16