
Analog Output Command (A)
This command is used to view or set the analog output of the Model 9840. There are two
subcommands Analog View (AV) and Analog Set (AS).
Analog Output View Command (AV)
The Analog View (AV) command has the format AV. It will return the current settings
of the analog output.
@123 Analog Output A is Load A in Lb
10.0 Volts indicates 1000 Lb
0.0 Volts indicates 0.00 Lb
Analog Output Set Command (AS)
The Analog Set (AS) command is used to change the settings of the analog output.
The format is AS(item number)(unit number)(full scale)#(zero scale)#, where the item
and unit numbers are used to determine the signal source for the analog output, the full
scale number indicates what signal level is assigned to full scale analog output of 10.0
volts, and the zero scale number indicates the signal level assigned to zero volts
analog output. Note that when you change a cell type (from load to torque or back
again) these settings must be reset for the new cell.
@123 Analog Output is Pos in In
10.0 Volts indicates 10.00 In
0.0 Volts indicates 5.00 In
Sensor Command (S)
This command is used to view or select calibration data from the list of calibrated load
cells maintained by the Model 9840. There are 4 subcommands, Sensor View (SV),
Sensor List (SL), Sensor Select (SS), and Sensor Delete (SD).
Sensor View Channel A or B Command (SA or SB)
The Sensor View Channel A or B (SA or SB) command has the format SA or SB. It
returns information about the cell currently loaded on channel A (SA) or channel B(SB)
including the serial number, the maximum load rating, the millivolt per volt calibration
constant, the excitation voltage used, the latest date of calibration, and the shunt value
recorded during that calibration. No other cells are listed.
MODEL 9840 PG 33 PUB. 2856-16