
@123 Deleted Sensor S/N 13368
Ch A = S/N 123456, 100.00 Lb , 3.00150 mV/v, 10.00 V,
49.532 Lb Shunt
unused S/N 63220, 100.00 Lb , 2.99984 mV/v, 10.00 V,
49.381 Lb Shunt
Ch B = S/N 89991, 1000.0 Lb , 4.50015 mV/v, 5.00 V,
486.45 Lb Shunt
Calibration Command (C)
This command has 8 subcommands. Calibration Check (CC) is used to run a shunt
calibration check on a cell. Calibration Begin (CB) starts the calibration of a new or
existing cell. Calibration by millivolt-per-Volt may be done using one point (CV) which
runs a calibration using the cell millivolt-per-Volt constant or 6 point which uses cell
manufacturer supplied mass and milli-volt per volt data (CMV6). Calibration by Masses
(CM) does a two or five point mass calibration. Calibration by Torque (CT) does a two or
five point torque calibration. Calibration by Shunt (CS) does calibration based on the
shunt value of the cell. Calibration Escape (CE) cancels a calibration that is underway.
Calibration counts per Inch View (CIV) displays the current setting of the encoder counts
per inch constant, and Calibration counts per Inch Set (CIS) lets you set the encoder
counts per inch constant.
Cells must be calibrated for the channel on which they will be used.
Calibration Check Command (CC)
The Calibration Check (CC) command runs a calibration check on the currently
selected cell. Note that the load cell should not be under load or torque when this
check is run. During the 10 second shunt calibration the front panel will show “RS232
Cal Check”. After the 10 seconds the unit will return to run mode and send the
acknowledge line shown below. This indicates both the current reading of the shunted
cell and the reading that was recorded when this cell was last calibrated.
@123 Cal Check Ch A, S/N 123456
Shunt Value is 49.532 Lb
Cal Value was 49.531 Lb
Calibration Begin Command (CB)
The Calibration Begin (CB) command is a 4 part command used to start a calibration
by any method. You must issue a CB command before trying calibration by mv/volt,
masses, or shunt (CV, CM, CT or CS). While the Model 9840 is being calibrated using
the remote commands, the front panel will show “CAL STARTED”. Pressing the front
panel Esc button will cancel the calibration and issue a warning to the RS232 terminal.
If any remote commands other than calibration commands are issued, the calibration
will also be canceled. The acknowledgement will indicate if this is a “New Cell” or if
you are going to “Overwrite” existing data. If you do not wish to overwrite use the CE
MODEL 9840 PG 35 PUB. 2856-16