Understanding Printer Messages 449
034-515 Select Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Try the following:
• Try the same operation.
• Check the printer or remote machine if the memory is full.
034-791 Select Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check if the telephone line cord is
connected properly. If the line connection is correct, check the following:
• If Tone/Pulse setting is correct.
For more information about Tone/Pulse setting, see "Tone / Pulse."
If Tone/Pulse setting is correct, check the following:
• If the remote machine can receive a fax.
035-701 Select Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check the following:
• Status of the remote machine
• Tone/Pulse setting
For more information about Tone/Pulse setting, see "Tone / Pulse."
035-708 Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Try the following:
• Try the same operation.
• Reduce the modem speed.
For more information about modem speed, see "Modem Speed."
035-717 Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Reduce the modem speed. For more
information about modem speed, see "Modem Speed."
035-718 Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check the status of the remote machine.
035-720 Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check the features of the remote machine.
035-781 Select
Close, or wait for 60 seconds for the printer to recover. Check if the remote machine is busy.
042-700 Wait for a while until the printer cools down. Contact customer support if this failure is repeated.
075-910 Make sure that the multipurpose feeder (MPF) is fully installed.
077-300 Close the front cover.
077-301 Close the right side cover.
077-302 Close the rear cover.
091-911 Remove the used waste toner box, and install a new toner box. For more information about replacing the
waste toner box, see "Replacing the Waste Toner Box."
091-914 Reinsert the black drum cartridge. If the message remains, replace the cartridge. For more information
about reinserting the drum cartridge, see "Replacing the Drum Cartridges."
091-917 Reinsert the yellow drum cartridge. If the message remains, replace the cartridge. For more information
about reinserting the drum cartridge, see "Replacing the Drum Cartridges."
091-918 Reinsert the magenta drum cartridge. If the message remains, replace the cartridge. For more information
about reinserting the drum cartridge, see "Replacing the Drum Cartridges."
091-919 Reinsert the cyan drum cartridge. If the message remains, replace the cartridge. For more information about
reinserting the drum cartridge, see "Replacing the Drum Cartridges."
091-921 Make sure that the black drum cartridge is fully installed. For more information about installing the drum
cartridge, see "Replacing the Drum Cartridges."
091-922 Make sure that the yellow drum cartridge is fully installed. For more information about installing the drum
cartridge, see "Replacing the Drum Cartridges."
091-923 Make sure that the magenta drum cartridge is fully installed. For more information about installing the
drum cartridge, see "Replacing the Drum Cartridges."
Error-Code What you can do